Hey there folks, long time no hear.
Sorry for vanishing, but 2025 has started with giving me a pretty busy scheadule.
You would think "Oh, I wonder how many things is he doing then?" and unfortunally (or fortunally, depending on the point of view) is only one.
I'm preparing a comic for a showcase!
The problem is that the work delivery date was brought forward, giving me almost half a month less to finish.
We are talking about big pages in full color, so some of you may understand where the time problem is.
So I have been doing almost 10 to 12 hours of work daily on these pages to manage to finish the work in time.
Long story a bit shorter, I will still be a bit busy with that work for the rest of Jenuary, but I'll surely be back at around the 20th of February.
Do not worry, I'm not abbandoning the page.
You lot made me remember how good it feels to share your own art, so I won't stop any time soon!
Anyhow tldr: I'm not dead, I'll be back in February!
Thanks for the patience and happy late start of the new year!
Tell me what fun project are you working at, I allways respond to the comments in a way or another!
Glad to hear from ya again!
ehehe, sorry for taking so long! Any time I had some free hours I was too k.o. to remember to write. But hey, I can allways pretend I was hibernating and that february is jenuary!!