I'm allways surprise of how fast this page is growing compared to my others one, and as allways I only have you lot to thank!
So once again let me thank you in the only way I can, by making your ideas into drawing form!
As done before, let's do a creature togheter!
You can give me a prompt, a description or a character (original or not) to make into a fantasy creature (or npc). As allways I'll make their stat sheets for Dungeons & Dragons 5e and, why not, I'll also try to make a Pathfinder 2e sheet for them!
I'll accept at most 6 of the best ideas you'll give me, so do your best! You'll have untill the 25th of October.
And thank you again for the continued support and I hope you'll keep following me!
EDIT: I forgot to specify where to write your suggestions, sorry! You can write them on this post, or under my last (or future last) posts!